Saturday, September 19, 2009

Opera mini 5 beta

The publisher announced Opera version 5 beta of its mobile browser Opera Mini , widely used in emerging markets as the primary means of Internet access. This is a new version of mobile browser Opera Mini is announced by the publisher Opera. The version of Opera Mini 5 Beta offers quality surf on the Internet approaching those of more advanced mobile browsers on smartphones and experiencing great success in emerging markets where the phone is the single point of access to the Internet. It includes some of the features found on other versions, like Speed Dial for quick access to favorites. The ergonomics of the application has been reworked and it allows tabbed browsing, allowing simultaneous access to multiple Web pages. Opera Mini can run on devices with or without touchscreen and has a system for managing passwords, again avoiding the tedious manipulations on a small phone screen. Opera is well established in its goal of offering greater ease of use as possible, especially since the browser is required to run on terminal base as well as smartphones (although they usually have their own application linked to their platform). To ensure a pleasant surfing experience, Opera compresses Web pages on its servers before sending them to mobile devices, thereby reducing the data traffic for mobile operators mobile. Opera Mini boasts 30 million users worldwide and more than 12 billion Web pages viewed each month. The application can run on any Java-enabled phone. Note that a special version of Opera Mini 5 Beta is available for the BlackBerry platform.

Download operamini 5 beta



  1. yez, mantap.
    mkasih linknya.

    btw tukeran link yukz.
    chek it out di
    sharelink ku

  2. Sayang banget..Hpku gak support...hehehe
    Tadi nyoba koment pake Bolt kok gak bisa yaa Mas...

  3. Wah uda ada aplikasi bolt nya mas,berarti bisa juga tu buat dwnload opmin 5

  4. Kuenya ada di rumah aQ mau? Dateng aja kesini!! ^_^

    Operamini 5 tidak bisa di hp Q.

  5. with opera mini mobile phone owners easier to browsing

  6. Thx for ur information.. I've wrote a good article,please visiting me!!

  7. Keren sih keren tuh opmin,tapi pas mw nambah tab baru jadi error gtu aplikasinya! Payahh.. Moga aja fullversionnya cepet keluar,hehehe...
    Salam knal!

  8. mangtaps !!
    thanks inponya ...

  9. i use this on my cellphone...very useful,,

  10. hehe hehhe..keren neh aplikasi,,sip dah

  11. Hi friend can we exchange our links......
