Saturday, October 3, 2009

Browse All Albums Photos on Facebook and Flickr via Fotobounce

There are several reasons why I recommend using free services from fotobounce, one of them other than as a packaged client desktop applications, this service gives us manage the entire facility in an existing photo album on Facebook and Flickr services. so many features offered, to the extent that I have to explain myself confused where to start nih hehehe There are many things we can do in this application, which clearly allows us fotobounce especially in the uploading and downloading of all the albums poto.

Download feature would allow us to perform backups, and it was not just on your own album poto know, but we are free to explore and download all the album poto from friends who opted for our friends on facebook.

This of course allows us to open poto albums downloaded again when being offline. Fotobounce also built-in on face recognition (very similar to what we do on Google 's Picasa) that can quickly tag photos on the desktop and to tag our friends, even this tag will be preserved when uploaded back to Facebook. Please download directly on the site, oh yes fairly large file size of about 15 Mb.


  1. blog walking here my dear, visit me back always......

  2. wek aku coba akh sip di coba langsung ke TKP


    Menyapa sahabatku chayank

    wooowww kereeeeeeeeeeeeennnnxxzz

  4. Tiada bosan bosannya mengajak sahabatku untuk melangkah....

    “Demi Masa sesungguhnya manusia itu merugi”

    Sebab tiadalah semua ini kecuali kembali kepada Fitrah Diri
    Mari bersama kita saling mensucikan diri menuju Illahi Robby
    Membersihkan diri melangkah menemukan diri sebenar diri
    Mulai menghampiri DIA tulus ikhlas karena CINTA
    Meraih keselarasan diri dalam Ketenangan Jiwa
    Menjadi Manusia seutuhnya meliputi lahir bathin
    Dahulu datang putih suci bersih
    Mudah mudahan kembali suci putih bersih

    Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang
    ‘tuk Sahabatku terchayaaaaaaaank
    I Love U fuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  5. LINKS saya ADDS mas O2N ma kasih yaaaak..
    salam sayang selalu

  6. Nama saya di daftar juga yaaaak jangan lupa hehehehee
