Thursday, February 23, 2012

J.K. Rowling's New Book Can Take From 'Harry Potter'

Hallelujah, J.K. Rowling is officially releasing a new book. Sure, no title, however, has no release date, and mockery of the "details will be announced later this year" could mean a variety of things. But the author, whose only legacy is now the beloved "Harry Potter book finally released the album a new novel - this time for adults - and I could not be happier.

Although this novel is going to tilt toward older audiences, there are still many elements of "Harry Potter" which Rowling can make more in a new series. Though I suppose that this new book not likely to include children as well as "Harry Potter" did, there are still plenty of other components that worked very well in that series and is likely to work even better in the history of adult .

Strong female characters
It's no surprise that Rowling enjoys writing about women who can maintain their weight with the kids. Hermione Granger was certainly more powerful than his two cohorts, Harry and Ron, and several times was the trio's most mature character. I hope that Rowling includes equally strong female characters in his new novel, perhaps even in the title role.

A love triangle
Well, what the fans have made Harry, Ron and Hermione romantic relationship over the reality of what actually was (thanks for that, Harry and Hermione shippers), but there are many love triangles that take place in "Harry Potter". Lily, Snape and Harry James, Cho and Cedric had a lot of romantic tension going on in the previous series Rowling. Well, why not go all out and have a full-blown love triangle in a novel aimed at adults? I'm not talking about what is the point of the plot that hinges on books like "The Twilight Saga" or "The Hunger Games", but now we are adults Rowling. We can take a little love.A British landscape both familiar and new
Rowling might have seen most of the world, now thanks to their numerous tours of Harry Potter books, but his house is still the UK. "Harry Potter" is definitely a British history, and I would like to see the next book in Rowling follow suit. Having said that, "Harry Potter" walked the line between family demonstrated (King's Cross Station) and unknown (Hogwarts) places in Britain. Here's hoping that Rowling takes us on a similar journey in his next novel, and takes us somewhere you've never been before.

Magical Items
There are probably people out there who prefer the new book, Rowling did not involve magic in all its forms. I am not one of those people. In all likelihood, Rowling kept away from the magic in his book for adults in order to differentiate it from the "Potter", but there are many forms of magic can manifest. Although I love to see Rowling against an entirely new theme would still be nice to have some kind of supernatural component in the game.

The darkness in "Harry Potter" is a big part of what made the book so powerful. I have long said that the change of "Potter" is done in 'Goblet of Fire ", which is the first book in the series that has a sad ending, but the darkness can find a way to start again "Philosopher's Stone '. It is difficult to expect that Rowling could write a novel for adult soft and fluffy after developing a series of darker children of our time, and I think it will be really exciting to see how dark it can make a book without having to care for a young audience.

Are you as excited about the new book by Rowling as we? What elements of "Harry Potter" would like to see posted to this new novel? Tell us in the comments section or on Twitter

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