Friday, August 28, 2009

Post vidio via handphone

After yesterday I did post the video of our experiment for free without having to menguprade and as for how it works as follows:
used to make an account on youtube with fullsite in operamini view it.
If already have an account on youtube please access the mobile version of youtube or video upluad then you there when I managed to live there terupluad address, and then copy the address and exit the application operamini.
then we open the application for which Bolt has his address and then paste it, usually when no error directly to this video.
then to the right of video there are two boxes containing the address of our video, the first box inside the address of our video, and the box into two beris html code,
The second copy of the box and then exit the application and enter Bolt opmin back to us, continue to post with as usual and then paste the code that we take this and publish
then the result like this video:


  1. Hi, added your link at LINKS EXCHANGE. Thanks for adding me.

  2. he.. he.. belajar dadi wong londo.. it's very very nice mr.. good luck for you! :)

  3. Makin eksis aja nich, mas Juma... Sukses selalu yaa mas...
